Angie Johnston

Newly Inspired

It is hard to believe that it has been so long, 2 years and 2 months, since stepping foot in the Dominican Republic and seeing our sisters in La Canita. Covid having kept us in a different sort of discomfort was relieved as Mercy and I stepped on the plane anticipating the seeing and being seen that would take place after being away.  From the minute we felt the humidity, and hospitable embrace of Ely, with her new baby, all the way to the last day of squeezing 14 of us into a van made to seat 7 to bring us to play and wonder together at the beach; every single day was an adventure of being outside of our comfort zone, and wondering what we would encounter next. Our senses were heightened, feeling our disbelief turn into belief as we heard stories of these women living life in La Canita, raising up their community and moving forward, continually stepping out of their own comfort zones . We took in the new visions being birthed for Centro Te Veo: new groups being able to come to the community to serve and be served; planning the 2nd floor to be  a safe space for women needing a place to stay; hearing the hearts of the women to go out into neighboring communities (including Haiti) and listen to what women there need and want; continuing to create spaces in Centro Te Veo for women to learn new skills and also heal hearts.

Mercy and I enjoyed sweet time seeing women in their personal journeys and getting to pray and speak life into their challenging and painful situations. Our friends are going through all the similar hardships we go through here: divorce, child disabilities, parenting challenges, unemployment, sickness, fear of the unknown. Having time to BE WITH them, share in their struggles, and offer words of encouragement to each other was sincerely GOOD.

Meeting with Ely and a lawyer in Santo Domingo, we took the next step for Project I See You in the Dominican Republic to become independently its own foundation (like our 501c3 process here in the U.S.). This big step of growth is very close to being finalized, and will enable the women in La Canita to seek outside funding sources and pursue their vision for ISY.

One of the highlights was getting to see Franci. We have known her for many years and feel a strong desire to see her and her children cared for and protected. It blessed us to see her smiling and living in a home with a solid floor and roof, and the needs of her children being met.

Being able to gather with the core leaders of ISY there was inspiring. They are moving through Covid, managing the construction of the second level of the center and creating new visions for women in their community to be seen.

Mercy and I were newly struck and inspired by how the women of ISY in La Canita are rising up and taking ownership to be a living active part of their community. We came home ready to follow their lead.

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